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Releu C303 – Comutare bidirecțională DC - Contactor DC bidirecțional cu 1 pol de până la 350 amperi

Releu C303 – Comutare bidirecțională DC - Contactor DC bidirecțional cu 1 pol de până la 350 amperi

Die bidirektionalen DC-Schütze C303 sind kompakte Hochleistungs-Schaltgeräte für Applikationen mit hohem Einschaltstrom oder großen Kapazitäten. Alle Ausführungen können bis zu 350 Ampere dauer­haft führen; bei einem Kurzschluss dürfen wesentlich höhere Ströme fließen, ohne dass die Kontakte verschweißen. Damit behält das Schütz seine volle Funktion, um bei Bedarf große Leistungen zu trennen – bis zu 1,5 MW – unabhängig von der Stromrichtung. Diese volle Bidirektionalität ist wichtig für Anlagen mit einem Lade- und Entladeprozess. Typische Applikationen sind DC-Kreise in Wechselrichtern, in Batteriespeichern oder in Ladesäulen im Bereich e-Mobility.
Mașină de Ambalare Orizontală FGT ║ LoeschPack ★★★★★

Mașină de Ambalare Orizontală FGT ║ LoeschPack ★★★★★

Verpackung von Artikeln in Dreirandsiegelbeutel, Zuverlässigkeit durch höchstes Qualitätsniveau, sehr kurze Formatwechselzeiten, Mitdenkende Steuerung Innovatives und modulares Schlauchbeutelverpackungssystem (HFFS - Horizontal Form Fill Seal machine) für Dreirandsiegelbeutel aus der LoeschPack F-Series mit hocheffizienter Beschickungseinrichtung und der Kernmaschine FGT. Die Neuentwicklung besticht durch hohe Leistungen von bis zu 800 Produkten pro Minute (je nach Applikation und Folie), hohe Gesamtanlageneffizienz und Performance sowie höchste Formatflexibilität bei niedrigen Packmittelkosten. Beste Systemergonomie:✔ Höchste Effizienz:✔ Höchste Verfügbarkeit:✔ Leistung:800 Produkten pro Minute
Mașină de Ambalare în Rulouri RPM-S ║ LoeschPack ★★★★★

Mașină de Ambalare în Rulouri RPM-S ║ LoeschPack ★★★★★

Automatische Hochleistungs-Wickelkopfmaschine für Rollenverpackung Besondere Vorteile: • Äußerst schonendes Produkthandling • Dicht gesiegelte Rollenverpackung • Hohe Format- und Packstilflexibilität • Höchster Leistungsbereich LoeschPack bietet mit der RPM-S ein völlig neuartiges, modulares, modernes Rollenpacksystem mit besonders produktschonenden Beschickungseinrichtungen, wie bspw. der neu entwickelten Vibrationszuführung und der Kernmaschine RPM-S. Das Verpackungssystem erzeugt hermetisch dichte Verpackungen mit einer Leistung von bis zu 400 Produkten pro Minute bei runden Produkten. Die modulare Bauweise ermöglicht eine besonders leichte Formatumstellung. Dicht gesiegelte Rollenverpackung:✔ Hohe Format- und Packstilflexibilität:✔ Höchster Leistungsbereich:✔ Leistung:350 Rollen pro Minute Äußerst schonendes Produkthandling:✔
Cântar Multicablu CP-Proiect Higienic ║ Hastamat ★★★★★

Cântar Multicablu CP-Proiect Higienic ║ Hastamat ★★★★★

Wiegen und Zählen von Fleisch, Käse, frischen und tiefgefrorenen Produkten, Schrittmotorantriebe an Dosier- und Waagschalen, Einfache Fehlerdiagnose mit Klartextanzeige, Elektronische Überwachung Unsere Mehrkopfwaagen der CP-Serie in hygienegerechter Ausführung zum Wiegen und Zählen von Fleisch, Käse, frischen und tiefgefrorenen Produkten. Folgende Produkte können Sie verpacken: Snacks & Cracker | Stangenförmige Produkte | Cookies | Süßwaren | Pet-Food | Non-Food Automatische Regelung der Produktverteilung:✔ Betriebsdatenerfassung und speicherbare Statistik:✔ Mischung unterschiedlicher Produktkomponenten möglich:✔ Modularer Aufbau:✔
Dozare Melci Seria SD ║ Hastamat ★★★★★

Dozare Melci Seria SD ║ Hastamat ★★★★★

Schnelle und genaue Anpassung an unterschiedliche Beutelgrößen, geeignet für Pulver, schonende Produktbehandlung, Schnellwechselbare Formatteile Schneckendosierungen der Hastamat-SD-Serie werden mit einer Vielzahl technischer Detaillösungen höchsten Ansprüchen an Dosier- und Wiederholgenauigkeit gerecht. Zu den Vorteilen zählt ist die produktschonende Behandlung empfindlicher Erzeugnisse, wie Kaffee, Suppen- oder Gewürzpulver. Die produktbezogene Auswahl von Zuführung, Dosierschnecke, Rührwerk und Verschlusssystem ermöglicht eine hohe Dosiergenauigkeit und erzielt damit direkte Kosteneinsparungen für Ihren Verpackungsprozess. Die Maschinen der SD-Serie ermöglichen das hochgenaue Dosieren frei- und schwerfließender pulvriger sowie kerniger Produkte. Dabei bieten die Schneckendosierungen von Hastamat höchste Dosier- und Wiederholgenauigkeit und eine schonende Produktbehandlung. Einfache Speicherung aller Parameter:✔ Hohe Dosiergenauigkeit:✔ Komfortable Bedienung:✔ Schnelle Anpassung an unterschiedliche Beutelgrößen:✔
Cântar Multicablu Seria CP ║ Hastamat ★★★★★

Cântar Multicablu Seria CP ║ Hastamat ★★★★★

Automatische Regelung der Produktverteilung, Geeignet für unterschiedlichste Produkte, Modularer Aufbau, Betriebsdatenerfassung und speicherbare Statistik Unsere Mehrkopfwaagen der CP-Serie wiegen und zählen stückige Produkte – von Snacks und Süßwaren über Granulate bis hin zu Metall- und Kunststoffteilen. Folgende Produkte können Sie verpacken: Snacks & Cracker | Stangenförmige Produkte | Cookies | Süßwaren | Pet-Food | Non-Food Anzahl Wägebehälter bis 24 Stück:✔ Durch austauschbare Formatteile auch für Stangenprodukte geeignet:✔ Leistung:max. 200 Wiegungen pro Minute Produktzuführung über Zuführband oder Vibrationsringe:✔
Sistem de Transfer al Produselor Seria TS ║ Hastamat ★★★★★

Sistem de Transfer al Produselor Seria TS ║ Hastamat ★★★★★

Synchronisierte Übergabe in die horizontale Verpackungsmaschine, Übernahme des Produktes aus der Kombinationswaage oder über Elevatoren, Becherwerke, Bänder, Vibrationssysteme Eine der Kernkompetenzen von Hastamat ist das individuelle Produkt-Handling. Unsere Produktübergabesysteme mit Kaskaden, Drehtellern, Schwenkbechern und –übergaben garantieren die produktschonende, kompakte und orientierte Übergabe der Produkte. Hastamat liefert neben der Übergabe in die eigenen Schlauchbeutelmaschinen auch die zuverlässige Schnittstelle zu allen Verpackungsmaschinen und –formen in Hygienic Design. Einfache Bedienung:✔ Einfache Speicherung von produktbezogenen Rezepturen:✔ Hohe Flexibilität:✔ Modularer Aufbau:✔
OKS 354 – Lubrifiant adeziv sintetic pentru temperaturi ridicate

OKS 354 – Lubrifiant adeziv sintetic pentru temperaturi ridicate

Lubrication of chains, hinges, joints, ejector pins, clamping and drying frames or slideways at temperatures up to 250°C or under influence of water, for example conveying systems in painting, stoving, drying and cooling bed installations Advantages and benefits Outstanding oxidation properties Resistant to water and steam Good creep properties Outstanding adhesion and lubrication effect with no tendency to drip No formation of hard residues Extreme wear protection through Moₓ-Active Resistant to ultraviolet radiation Also available as spray version OKS 3541 For optimum effect, clean the surfaces. Best way is to clean mechanically first and then with OKS 2610/OKS 2611 universal cleaner. Stir/shake well before use. Apply OKS 354 with a brush, drip oiler or by immersion or using a suitable automatic lubrication system to locations to be lubricated. Spray OKS 3541 on evenly. Allow excess to drip off and wait for lubricant to penetrate Operating temperature:-10 °C → +250 °C Density (20 °C):0.91 g/ml Viscosity (40 °C):4,000 mm²/s Four-ball test rig (welding load):2,200 N
Cântar Multicablu CP-Cargă Greu ║ Hastamat ★★★★★

Cântar Multicablu CP-Cargă Greu ║ Hastamat ★★★★★

Vorratsbunker mit elektromagnetischem Vibrationsantrieb, Stollenelevator zur Produktförderung auf die Bühne, Steuerung der Produktzuführung durch gewogenen Verteilerteller, geeignet für Non-Food Robuste Teilmengenwaage zum stück- und gewichtsgenauen Dosieren und Verpacken von größeren Metallteilen. Einfache Bedienung:✔ Höchste Zuverlässigkeit:✔ Kein Schnittstellen- und Funktionsrisiko:✔ Senkung der Produktionskosten:✔
OKS 1111 – Spray cu grăsime multi-silicon

OKS 1111 – Spray cu grăsime multi-silicon

Sealant and lubricant for cold and hot-water valves in plumbing and heating sector, in vehicle heating systems or cooling circuits, ground seals on glass taps and desiccators For lubricating O-rings and rubber seals during assembly and operation, as well as plastic parts of all kinds Advantages and benefits Highly effective due to excellent adhesion on all materials Neutral behaviour with regard to plastics and elastomers Consistent properties without drying out, hardening or bleeding Resistant to cold and hot water, as well as acetone, ethanol, ethylene glycol, glycerine and methanol Operating temperature:-40 °C → +200 °C NLGI grade:3 Base oil viscosity (40 °C):9,500 mm²/s
OKS 245 – Pastă de Cupru cu Protecție Ridicată împotriva Coroziunii

OKS 245 – Pastă de Cupru cu Protecție Ridicată împotriva Coroziunii

For mounting screwed connections, e.g. at combustion engines, threads on pipe fittings, flange joints and fittings of superheated steam lines, exhaust pipe and combustion chamber screwed connections, gas and oil burner mounting bolts To prevent burning together, seizing or rusting-on of screwed connections at water influence Suitable for brake systems of vehicles Advantages and benefits Excellently suited for preventing binding of threads exposed to high temperatures, corrosive environments and moisture Highly effective due to high level of pressure absorption Excellent corrosion protection Absolutely resistant to fresh water and sea water Extremely adhesive No classification according to (EG) No. 1272/2008 For best adhesion, clean contamination and other lubricants from thread and slide surfaces. Best way is to clean mechanically first (for example, with a wire brush) and then with OKS 2610/OKS 2611 universal cleaning agent. Use a brush, spatula or similar Operating temperature:-30 °C → +100 °C/+1,100 °C Thread friction (M10/8,8):µ total = 0.14 Four-ball test rig (welding load):3,400 N
OKS 2811 – Detector de scurgeri rezistent la îngheț

OKS 2811 – Detector de scurgeri rezistent la îngheț

Leak detector high detection sensitivity for pressurised piping and containers, e.g. on compressors, steel bottles, fittings, shut-off valves, breathing devices, oxyacetylene gas and inert-gas arc welding devices, Bunsen burners, valves, screw fittings of compressed-air lines etc. Suitable for compressed air, refrigerant, acetylene, butane, natural gas, carbon dioxide, gaseous oxygen, propane, town gas, nitrogen, hydrogen and, ammonia Suitable for checking the safety of systems with combustible gases and for avoiding financial losses through unrecognized leaks Advantages and benefits Frost-proof to -15°C Saves energy and warns of gas loss Contains corrosion protection inhibitors Tested by the DVGW in accordance with DIN EN 14291 Non-combustible Economical in use Operating temperature:-15 °C → up to +50 °C
OKS 30 – Aditiv Moₓ-Activ

OKS 30 – Aditiv Moₓ-Activ

Improves the run-in lubrication of new or overhauled machines and increases the load-carrying capacity Improves the lubricating properties of the oil under high loads and at high temperatures Reduces operating noises and wear Advantages and benefits Forms a pressure-resistant layer with high lubricating effectiveness Increase in the load-bearing share Reduction in the specific surface loading Lower thermal loading of the lubricant Considerably extended service lifeShake or stir well before use. Depending on loading, add 2-3% to engine oils and 3-5% to machine- and gear oils. Instructions of the machine manufacturer have to be observed. Mixing will occur in operation. Mix with appropriate lubricants only. Not suitable with water-based lubricants and polyglycol oils. Especially at older machines and machines normally used with unalloyed oils, the compatibility of OKS 30 with the installed gaskets has to be proved before application. Density (20 °C):1.03 g/ml Viscosity (40 °C):70 mm²/s
OKS 621 – Îndepărtător de rugină

OKS 621 – Îndepărtător de rugină

OKS 621 is a fast-acting rust dissolver for industry, workshop and hobby applications. The solvent contained in OKS 621 cools down the assembled parts/screws rapidly to -40°C. This results in a slight shrinkage of the affected profile. Capillary cracks in the corrosion layer appear, allowing an easier penetration of the creeping oil. High-performance rust remover for fast and nondestructive disassembly of extremely seized-up parts or bolts, e.g. for vehicles, agricultural or construction machinery, vessels and port facilities; also for all machinery in industry and trade Advantages and benefits Contrary to a heat treatment of seized-up bolts OKS 621 does not cause heating damages in the environment No damages through overheating Resin and acid-free Without silicone Operating temperature:-10 °C → +40 °C
OKS 100 – Pulbere MoS₂ de înaltă puritate

OKS 100 – Pulbere MoS₂ de înaltă puritate

For sliding properties improvement of machine parts, apparates and precision machinery, e.g. under the influence of oxygen, in vacuum or radioactive radiation Dry lubrication for tools or workpieces in cold- and thermoforming For incorporation in plastics, sealings, packages, sintered metals and improvement of sliding properties For long-term or possibly lifetime-lubrication Advantages and benefits Reduces friction and wear in a wide temperature range High effectiveness due to high affinity of MoS₂ to metals Low friction at highest load capacities Low consumption based on forming of extreme thin sliding films Not electrically conducting and not magnetic Chemically stable except against halogenated gases, concentrated sulfuric- and nitric acidFor best adhesion, clean sliding surfaces. Best way is to clean mechanically first and then with OKS 2610 or OKS 2611 universal cleaner. Apply on small parts in series production by tumbling, under addition of small amounts powder and tumbling Operating temperature:-185 °C → +450 °C Press-fit:µ = 0.04, no chatter Particle size:16.0 - 30.0 µm, max. 190 µm
OKS 3601 – Ulei adeziv și protecție anticorozivă de înaltă performanță pentru alimente

OKS 3601 – Ulei adeziv și protecție anticorozivă de înaltă performanță pentru alimente

Highly adhesive lubrication of moving parts, e.g. valve spindles, piston rods, wire cables, drag cables, drive and conveyor chains, hinges and guides, at highly corrosive conditions in food processing technology Temporary corrosion protection of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, in particular in highly corrosive atmospheres, such as industrial atmospheres, outdoor weathering under roofs of semi-finished products and finished products Shipping protection of packed and unpacked machines and machine parts, apparatuses and equipment goods under extreme climatic conditions Advantages and benefits Highly adhesive oil with very good creep and lubrication properties Optimal corrosion protection through high effectiveness of the corrosion protection additive After the solvent has dried, forms a transparent, highly adhesive oil film Contains non-ferrous metal deactivator NSF H1-registered Operating temperature:-40 °C → +80 °C Density (20 °C):0.81 g/ml Viscosity (40 °C):> 21.5 mm²/s Salt spray test:> 100 h
OKS 521 – Spray de acoperire legat de MoS₂ care se întărește în aer

OKS 521 – Spray de acoperire legat de MoS₂ care se întărește în aer

Lifetime lubrication of metal-to-metal connections at low to medium rotational speeds and high loads Run-in lubrication in combination with oil or grease lubrication Dry lubrication at sliding pairs, in particular under heavy loads and low sliding speeds, at oscillating movements Dry lubrication at high operating temperatures (up to 450°C) Dry lubrication in dusty environment, to avoid adhesions Advantages and benefits Highly effective due to good adhesion to prepared substrates Allows a low coefficient of sliding friction also under heavy loading Very thin layer thicknesses possible Increased wear protection Rapid curing at room temperature Shortens and improves run-in conditions of friction bearings, toothing and other sliding pairs Operating temperature:-180 °C → +450 °C Density (20 °C):1.05 g/ml
OKS 265 – Pastă pentru Maxilare Chuck

OKS 265 – Pastă pentru Maxilare Chuck

Long-term lubrication of dirt-sensitive sliding points under vibration stresses Particularly suitable for lubricating chucks on tool machines Broad range of uses at stress-loaded parts, also at contact with cooling lubricants Lubrication of control and drive mechanisms Can be used at filling, labelling and packaging machines Advantages and benefits Resistant to water, steam and aqueous cooling lubricants Prevents frictional corrosion reliably Highly effective due to optimum solid lubricant combination Minimal consumption due to formation of highly effective lubricating films For optimum adhesion, clean contamination and other lubricants from thread and slide surfaces. Best way is to clean mechanically first and then with OKS 2610/OKS 2611 universal cleaner. Apply sufficient paste evenly to the functional surfaces with a brush, spatula, etc. The paste will also act as a sealant. Do not use paste instead of grease and mix only with suitable lubricants. Operating temperature:-45 °C → +110 °C Four-ball test rig (welding load):4,200 N Thread friction (M10/8,8):µ total = 0.10
OKS 471 – Spray Alb Universal de Grasime de Înaltă Performanță

OKS 471 – Spray Alb Universal de Grasime de Înaltă Performanță

Lubrication of normal-load friction, rolling and pivoting bearings Lubrication of spindles and guides at machines Lubrication of moving parts at fine-mechanical devices as well as household appliances Advantages and benefits Lubrication when dark-coloured lubricants cannot be used Saving of maintenance and lubricant costs by reducing downtimes and corrective maintenance Waterproof Clean the lubricating points well for optimal effect. Before filling for first time, remove anti-corrosion agent. Fill the bearing such that all functional surfaces are certain of being greased. Fill normal bearings up to about 1/3 of the free space inside the bearing. Low-speed bearings (DN value below 50,000) and their housings should be filled completely. In as far as available, the bearing and machine manufacturer's instructions should be observed. Operating temperature:-30 °C → +120 °C NLGI grade:2 DN factor (dm x n):300,000 mm/min Base oil viscosity (40 °C):approx. 110 mm²/s Four-ball test rig (welding load):3,600 N
OKS 2621 – Spray pentru Curățarea Contactelor

OKS 2621 – Spray pentru Curățarea Contactelor

Removal of loose oxide and electrode-erosion residues, dust deposits or creepage currents which cause soiling in moving contact areas such as motor-vehicle ignition distributors, relay contacts, resistance or potentiometer slideways, in static contact areas such as motor-vehicle spark plugs, plug-in connections, sliding and screw connections, in or on electrical and electronic equipment or devices of all kinds Advantages and benefits Highly effective due to outstanding cleaning properties Broad range of uses for all maintenance and customer service work in electrical sector Fast evaporation after striking surface Density: (20 °C):0.66 g/ml
OKS 481 – Grăsime impermeabilă de înaltă presiune pentru tehnologia de procesare a alimentelor

OKS 481 – Grăsime impermeabilă de înaltă presiune pentru tehnologia de procesare a alimentelor

Rolling and friction bearing lubrication, even at high temperatures Lubrication for bearings with contact to cleaning agents or disinfectants For mechanical units such as levers, joints and hinges, also under strong water effect Advantages and benefits NSF H1 registered (OKS 480 & OKS 481) High shear stability prevents thinning out of the grease under extreme mechanical loads such as during vibrations Excellent wear protection and very good high-pressure properties The calcium sulphonate complex soap ensures excellent water resistance and very good corrosion protection Broad temperature application range (-30°C to +160°C) High temperature and oxidation stability through fully synthetic base oil Very high resistance to water-alkaline or acidic disinfectants and cleaning agents MOSH/MOAH-free Operating temperature:-30 °C → 160 °C NLGI grade:2 DN factor (dm x n):400,000 mm/min Base oil viscosity (40 °C):100 mm²/s Four-ball test rig (welding load):4,000 N
OKS 2800 – Detector de Scurgeri

OKS 2800 – Detector de Scurgeri

Piping and hoses, for example steel bottles, compressors, breathing devices, oxyacetylene gas and inert-gas arc welding devices and burners Fittings, flanges, valves, screwed connections, soldered and welded connections of pressure gas systems and lines Suitable for compressed air, refrigerant, acetylene, butane, natural gas, carbon dioxide, gaseous oxygen, propane, town gas, nitrogen, hydrogen and, ammonia Advantages and benefits Acts non-corrosive Allows direct visual inspection of the leakage point through bubble formation Also available as spray version OKS 2801 Spray version tested by the DVGW in accordance with DIN EN 14291 Spray version suitable for spraying overhead Operating temperature:up to +50 °C
OKS 2711 – Spray Refrigerant

OKS 2711 – Spray Refrigerant

For fast determination of thermally-dependent interruptions in electrical circuits or components Avoidance of heat damage when soldering electrical components For heat protection of neighbouring components Shrinking of inner parts for removal of seized taper plugs, pins, plugs or bearing bushes Generation of shrink seats for assembly of inner parts For rapid temperature adjustment during materials testing For simulation of cold-starting conditions with motor-vehicle automatic starting systems Advantages and benefits Highly effective due to outstanding undercooling effect Excellently suited for simple cooling of parts Immediate cooling of smaller surfaces or parts down to –45°C depending on spraying duration Evaporates very quickly without residues Also provides good cleaning effect No negative affects on plastics and insulating materials
OKS 700 – Ulei Sintetic

OKS 700 – Ulei Sintetic

Lubrication, cleaning and protection of bright metal surfaces, e.g. of precision machine tools, measuring equipment, mechanisms in precision mechanics and optics, of precision instruments Can be used at machine elements of all types, for example sliding parts or slideways, at threads, locks, hinges, joints, drives Versatile use over the full range of care, conservation and maintenance applications Advantages and benefits Highly effective due to good wetting, dissolving and protective ability Good creep properties Behaves neutrally with respect to plastics, elastomers and paints Good protection against corrosion-causing moisture and wetness Resin and acid-free OKS 700 is also suitable for use with the refillable Airspray system Also available as spray version OKS 701 Operating temperature:-50 °C → +100 °C Density (20 °C):0.84 g/ml Viscosity (40 °C):17.5 mm²/s
OKS 491 – Spray uscat pentru roți dințate deschise

OKS 491 – Spray uscat pentru roți dințate deschise

Lubrication of open pinion gears which are highly subject to wearing due to corrosion and continuous soiling, e.g. on construction machines, spindle presses, crushers, mills, windlasses, rubbish disposal devices, ship´s lifting jaws or water structures Wire cables subject to outdoor weathering, e.g. on crane systems, lifts and aerial tramways, ship´s and offshore equipment for diverse types of sealing lubrication, including of coarse chains and chain transporters Advantages and benefits Highly effective due to outstanding wetting and lubricating properties Decreased friction and wear, and therefore reduction of necessary repair times Economical due to thrifty consumption as a result of small application quantities and time-saving use due to advantageous spray form Dry, elastic film with high adhesive strength prevents adhesion of dust and dirt Waterproof and has good corrosion protection properties Operating temperature:-30 °C → +100 °C
OKS 451 – Lubrifiant pentru Lanț și Adeziv Spray Transparent

OKS 451 – Lubrifiant pentru Lanț și Adeziv Spray Transparent

Driving and conveyor chains of all designs in open or semi-enclosed operation without a re-lubrication device Roller chains such as motorcycle and bicycle chains Stacker truck chains as well as single or multiple flat-link articulated chains without a re-lubrication device Rope drives and wire pulls; for example, standing, hoisting, traction or winch ropes in hoisting gears, elevators, lifts or mountain railways Flexible drives, bowden and spring cables Moving machine parts exposed to outdoor weathering, such as toothed gearing, guides, closing mechanisms, hinges or sliding surfaces Advantages and benefits Highly effective due to outstanding creep and gap penetration properties Highly adhesive and resistant to throwing off Contains Moₓ-Active for increased performance Excellent wear protection Very good resistance to cold and hot water as well as to saline solutions Excellent corrosion protection O-ring neutral Operating temperature:-30 °C → +200 °C Base oil viscosity (40 °C):300 mm²/s Four-ball test rig (welding load):2,400 N
OKS 3760 – Ulei Multifuncțional pentru Tehnologia Procesării Alimentelor

OKS 3760 – Ulei Multifuncțional pentru Tehnologia Procesării Alimentelor

Multipurpose oil for bearing, lever and joint lubrication Hydraulic oil for use in all areas in which physiologically harmless are required Compressor oil for piston compressors for prescribed oil ISO VG 100 Advantages and benefits NSF H1 registered Long economic operating times thanks to optimal additives against oxidation and ageing Good cold behaviour Resistant to cold and hot water, steam as well as disinfectants and cleaning agents For universal use due to long-term lubrication and high adhesive strength Good wear protection Tasteless and odourless Conforms to VDL requirements Operating temperature:-35 °C → +135 °C Density (20 °C):0.84 g/ml Viscosity (40 °C):100 mm²/s
OKS 1144 – Grăsime Universală din Silicon

OKS 1144 – Grăsime Universală din Silicon

Lubrication of rolling and friction bearings at operating temperatures around +170°C up to rotating speed limit For example, smaller bearings of exhaust-gas turbochargers, hot-air fans, hot-water pumps, washing machines and laundry dryers, as well as clutch pressure and release bearings etc. Also suitable for plastic/plastic sliding pairs Advantages and benefits Highly effective due to optimum temperature-stable silicone grease formula Excellently suited for grease lubricating points subject to changing temperature loads Broad range of uses outside normal grease performance areas Operating temperature:-40 °C → +200 °C NLGI grade:2 DN factor (dm x n):300,000 mm/min Base oil viscosity (25 °C):125 mm²/s Four-ball test rig (welding load):1,100 N
OKS 235 – Pastă de Aluminiu Anti-Seize

OKS 235 – Pastă de Aluminiu Anti-Seize

Assembly lubrication of machine parts, screw connections, fittings, flange and plug-in connections, guides, sliding and sealing surfaces of ovens, boilers, burners, motors, engines subject to high-temperature conditions Separating paste Advantages and benefits Excellently suited for preventing seizing and burning together Highly effective due to outstanding separating action and pressure absorption Good protection against ingress of splashing and condensed water Free of heavy metal compounds Good corrosion protection Excellent water resistance Wide operating temperature range Optimum ratio of screw tightening torque to achievable pre-tension Also available as spray version OKS 2351 For best adhesion, clean contamination and other lubricants from thread and slide surfaces. Best way is to clean mechanically first (for example, with a wire brush) and then with OKS 2610/OKS 2611 universal cleaning agent. Apply sufficient OKS 235 Operating temperature:-30 °C → +1,100 °C Thread friction (M10/8,8):µ total = 0.13
OKS 2901 – Spray de Reglare pentru Curele

OKS 2901 – Spray de Reglare pentru Curele

Increases tensile force by up to 50 % for all kinds of V-belts, round and flat belts on fans, compressors, pumps, ventilators, mills etc. Protects against drying out and wear, prevents belt squeaking and slip Advantages and benefits Increases service life Prevents squeaking Prevents slip Increases belt tension force Operating temperature:up to +80 °C